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learn code Basic Tag for wapkiz

https://logo.jdi5.com/logo/kizmaster.wapkiz.site.png Showing Logo url of site :stat-counter: Showing hits counter of site :on-all: Showing online user and guest count :on-user: count of online user :on-guest: count of online guest :to-id: is a tag displaying the url get to-id url eg https:// demo.sopnersatkhira.minewap.com.com?to-id=test will show test ,:to-id: can be replaced with :to-blog: or :to- page: and etc. :to-id(yourtext): is a tag displaying the url get to-id, but if it is empty then it will display no :my_name: Showing my user name when login hone: Display devices used :browser: Displays the browser used :login: Displays the login form :site-reg: Url register :site-login: Url login :site_url: Displays the site URL age_url: Display url of the page Title of page fox example: ::date:: Display the time now ::date= time format :: Displays the current time with the time format can be set :img-id file: Showing image by file id with real size :img-id-w-300-h-200: file: Showing image by file id with width 300px and height 200px. Replace your width and width which you need. you can use on width or height like this. :img-id-w-300: :img-id-h-200: to display the contents of the target site id example: include=1: text2 Allows you to randomize the texts, the code is encrypted is text1, text2, text3 separated by [r]. Another example is the Ahmad. [favico]url[/favico] add your Favicon here.

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